Building Your Own Clang LibTool: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Technically, Clang receives an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), build by Clang Parser (clang/Parse/*), not the input C/C++ code (although Parser is part of Clang code base). There is obviously a Lexer in between this process, but neither Lexer nor Parser is our focus in this tutorial. Clang is responsible to convert the AST to LLVM…

System and Software Security Research Conference

Several conferences focus on security, including top-tier and flagship events, where publishing your work should be a priority. Additionally, individual top-tier systems and software conferences can also be good choices for publishing your research. I have categorized the conferences accordingly: Top-tier Security Conference * IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P/Oakland)* ACM Computer and Communications Security (CCS) * USENIX…

SVF: Interprocedural Static Value-Flow Analysis in LLVM

SVF is a static analysis framework implemented in LLVM that allows value-flow construction and pointer analysis to be performed in an iterative manner (sparse analysis – analysis conducted into stages, from overapproximate analysis to precise, expensive analysis). It uses (default) points-to information from Andersen’s analysis and constructs an interprocedural memory SSA (Static-Single Assignment) form where…

Overwrite GOT Entry from Buffer Overlapping

Problem description First of all, the CTF is from (problem name: passcode). The problem description is as follows:“Mommy told me to make a passcode based login system. My initial C code was compiled without any error! Well, there was some compiler warning, but who cares about that?”There is ssh to the problem server where you…

Intel Pin Tool

The most difficult part of doing research is prototyping. Especially when it’s about security, its a must one. A researcher has to prove the proposed system is legitimate. It’s true for both attack and defense. Researchers greatly depend on existing technology and software to implement their prototype. It cuts the development time to start from…